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B U Y  M E S H R E N D E R
  P R O F E S S I O N A L

L U X O R    R E N D E R    P R O F E S S I O N A L 

Luxor Render is a 3D rendering software that simulates the flow of light in the environment so that physics-based images become photorealistic. Upload your 3D model in .obj format (with your UVs extracted) or via .mren format (available for export from Meshmolder) and change materials, HDR lighting, textures, colors and background images. Position according to your preference and render in high resolution. The installation file has 2GB to download. The system uses the CPU for rendering, which does not require a high-end graphics card. After payment of $5, within 24 hours you will receive the download link, being necessary to inform e-mail and full name to register the license. Every license is perpetual for the version in use. If you want to obtain later versions, with new functions, you will only have to pay the same amount, with no monthly fees and no limits.

Minimum System Requirements:
* Windows 7 or newer with at least 2GB memory;
*Graphics card must support Opengl 2.1 and OpenCL
* At least 5 GB of hard drive free-space;
*Some systems will need upgrade Visual C ++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 



W H Y  D O N A T E 
T O  L U X O R  R E N D E R ?

Any donation will help us cover development time for new features, bug fixes, server costs, support, tutorials, documentation, and other project expenses. The development of new tools and the constant advancement in building stable software requires continuous improvement and with your help the professional version will become more and more powerful.

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